Judge to Gov’t: No, You Can’t Force People to Do Useless Things

Judge to Gov’t: No, You Can’t Force People to Do Useless Things

Jan 9, 2015 by Evan Bernick

The state of Texas told Isis Brantley that she needed to spend thousands of hours taking useless classes and thousands of dollars on useless equipment before she would be permitted to teach hairbraiding at her own school. 718 more words

Houston’s Lesbian Mayor Tries to Deny Pastors a Trial by Jury – The Hideous, Evil Face of Homofascist Hate

Houston’s Lesbian Mayor Annise Parker is at it again after standing down on subpoenaing pastor’s sermons. We had not heard from her for a few months after she got blasted by pastors and the public following the City Council’s attempts to push through an unlawful “bathroom bill” and the city attorney’s attempts to manipulate signatures in a petition against their illegal actions. 2,216 more words

French police kill hostage-takers in Paris, but not before four are killed in kosher market

French police kill hostage-takers in Paris, but not before four are killed in kosher market – International – Jerusalem Post.

BBC: A 37-year-old woman called her mother from inside the supermarket and told her five people have already been killed. 652 more words


French police kill hostage-takers in Paris, but not before four are killed in kosher market – International – Jerusalem Post.

BBC: A 37-year-old woman called her mother from inside the supermarket and told her five people have already been killed.

PARIS – At least four people were killed by a gunman who took hostages in a kosher supermarket in eastern Paris, a police source told Reuters on Friday.

French media reported on Friday that the police raided the kosher supermarket where a gunman took at least five people hostage. A number of hostages were freed in the raid, local press reported.

Almost simultaneously in another part of Paris, the two brothers wanted for the shooting of 12 people at the offices of satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo were killed in a raid on Friday by security forces on the print works where they were holed up with a hostage, a government…

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RT – BREAKING: Al-Qaeda in Yemen claims directing Paris attacks as ‘revenge’ – reports

Published time: January 09, 2015 21:09

A statement sent to several media outlets by an alleged member of Al-Qaeda in Yemen claims the terrorist group is responsible for the Charlie Hebdo shooting and carried it out as a “revenge for the honor” of Prophet Muhammad.

Islamic Rape-Jihad & The West’s Impotent Response: Their Gang Bangs…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

“We will take your women as war booty”

TRAGICALLY, the more westerners are bombarded with all the horrors perpetrated under the banner of Islam, concomitantly, they become anesthetized, almost “accepting”, of said barbarism. Resigned.

GRANTED, there is a growing segment of the population whose reaction is the polar opposite. So, in line with their increasing rage they will fight back, whatever the costs. Welcome aboard.

NOT only that, but it is also the case that ones familiarity with Islamic doctrine, plus the plans they have for the west, also aids in ones non-complacence. Defiance.

IN this regard, readers should refer back to a commentary (Sept. 6, 2014, almost as a foreshadowing to today’s, a full 4 months later) detailing America’s Somali infestation, and the dangers they present to national security.

SO along with Islamist plots outside America’s borders, additional helping hands are given by the Islamist-in-Chief through an open sesame “Refugee Resettlement Program”. How quaint. The thing is, these “refugees”, for the most part, are Shariah law adherent! As expected, they are a particularly anti-western crew. Go figure.

It’s called the Refugee Resettlement Program, and it continues unabated under the leadership of the U.S. State Department and with the help of several Christian charities.

Minneapolis, Minnesota, sits at the heart of the controversial program. Known as “Little Mogadishu” to some critics, the city has since 1983 welcomed thousands of Somali refugees, most of whom are practicing Muslims and attend a local mosque or Islamic center.

Adina Kutnicki

“We will take your women as war booty”

TRAGICALLY, the more westerners are bombarded with all the horrors perpetrated under the banner of Islam, concomitantly, they become anesthetized, almost “accepting”, of said barbarism. Resigned.

GRANTED, there is a growing segment of the population whose reaction is the polar opposite. So, in line with their increasing rage they will fight back, whatever the costs. Welcome aboard.

NOT only that, but it is also the case that ones familiarity with Islamic doctrine, plus the plans they have for the west, also aids in ones non-complacence. Defiance.

IN this regard, readers should refer back to a commentary (Sept. 6, 2014, almost as a foreshadowing to today’s, a full 4 months later) detailing America’s Somali infestation, and the dangers they present to national security.

SO along with Islamist plots outside America’s borders, additional helping hands are given by the Islamist-in-Chief through…

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ISIS & Islamic Barbarism:Ravaging, Escalating Jihadi Rape! Western (Female) Islamic Converts “Supervise”…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

JUST when you thought that Islamic sadism couldn’t get any worse, the fact of the matter is that those who are sexually ravaged, under the banner of the newly self-proclaimed Caliphate, would likely prefer a swift head chopping, rather than what they are forced to endure. Repeatedly. No kidding.

BUT before we reiterate the sexually charged component to Islamic jihad, rest assured, the western linkage is no less frightening. Fully compliant and not coerced. Hmm.

IN this regard, it is intrinsic for westerners to separate the guilty, as charged, jihadis, from those who are captives due to their fate. Take special note of the parts played by female recruits into the ranks of ISIS, as well as into the general jihadi arena. Consider their complete willingness to die under the banner of Islam:

Adina Kutnicki

Zahra Halane, 16, poses with an AK-47, an Isis flag, knife and grenade. A series of tweets about her

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

JUST when you thought that Islamic sadism couldn’t get any worse, the fact of the matter is that those who are sexually ravaged, under the banner of the newly self-proclaimed Caliphate, would likely prefer a swift head chopping, rather than what they are forced to endure. Repeatedly. No kidding.

BUT before we reiterate the sexually charged component to Islamic jihad, rest assured, the western linkage is no less frightening. Fully compliant and not coerced. Hmm.

IN this regard, it is intrinsic for westerners to separate the guilty, as charged, jihadis, from those who are captives due to their fate. Take special note of the parts played by female recruits into the ranks of ISIS, as well as into the general jihadi arena. Consider their complete willingness to die under the banner of Islam:

View original post 1,756 more words

Nigeria blocks Palestinian UN resolution – HarperCollins Apologizes for Islam Influenced Middle East Atlas That Wiped Israel Off Map

HarperCollins, one of the world’s leading publishing companies, has apologized for removing Israel from its Middle East Atlas, which is sold to English-speaking schools in the Arab Gulf, after receiving angry criticism from Jewish and Christian leaders.

Too little, too damned late, HarperCollins.